John Waller’s, a ‘Purple Noon’s Transparent Might‘ showing at Queenscliff Gallery & Workshop (QG&W) for the Streeton Prints exhibition.

John’s Statement

Streeton’s painting uses a typical Australian blue and gold palette to create his sun-drenched landscape. The work, inspired by the expansive view looking towards the Blue Mountains, witnesses the upper reaches of the Hawkesbury River, between Richmond Bridge and Windsor, on a very hot purple hazy day.

On the other hand, the Mallee is, for all practical purposes, completely flat and very low-lying and in summer very hot. Most of the Mallee consists of pink/red sand dunes deposited because of movement of sand blown from the interior of Australia. This movement of sand, particularly on hot windy days, creates a pink/violet/brown haze.  I have tried to show this in my painting.

Exhibition details

QG&W has the great pleasure in presenting Streeton Prints and the never previously published etchings by Sir Arthur Streeton. Together with the 11 etchings, QG&W are exhibiting the discovered zinc and copper plates, initial proofs and other related works kindly loaned from the Streeton family members.

As part of the exhibition, Streeton Prints QG&W will also demonstrate the legacy of an artist such as Sir Arthur Streeton by hosting nine resident artists who will work in the gallery to show their influence, while others create contemporary works.